About Us

Our founding

Our company was founded through the discussion of Shonai Kachi Kaihatsu Kenkyu-kai members, a society chaired by the local financial institution The Shonai Bank.

Company concept

We aim to revitalize Shonai by leveraging unique high- value resources related to the beautiful nature, delicious food, and rich culture of the region.

(1)Publication of the regional culture magazine Cradle

A seasonally published free magazine distributed at approximately 450 locations both in and outside of the region, Cradle was awarded the Regional Vitalization Division Award by the Japan Community Contents Association in 2021.
Select content is made available online at the Cradle Plus website

(2)Tour planning and sales

Planning and sales of tours crafted around the concept of enabling visitors to come experience the charms of Shonai

Collaboration with major travel agencies in the Tokyo metropolitan area

Travel agency license: 山形県知事登録旅行業 第 地域―268号

(3)Sales of regional agricultural products and traditional crafts

Sales via Cradle Shop iino


May 21, 2010

Capital stock

¥ 20,700,000

Representative director

Yoshio Kobayashi (former managing director of The Shonai Bank, Ltd.)

Head office

Sanno-machi 8-15, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0028